Ethical principles

Mskgroup > Group > Ethical principles

MSK Group’s Ethical Principles

MSK requires that our Suppliers and Partners comply with all applicable laws and regulations, as well as the compliance principles set out in the following pdf-file

Respect for human rights and employees’ rights

MSK Group Oy and its subsidiaries undertake to comply with universally accepted human rights, children’s rights and employees’ rights.

This means that we commit to:

• Respect the freedom of association and the freedom to join or not join trade unions.

• Not discriminate against jobseekers and employees in any way. In accordance with this, salary, employment, access to training and promotion shall not be subject to discrimination on the grounds of race, ethnical or national origin, colour, gender, social status, marital status, sexual orientation, religion or belief, disability, age, political or other membership.

• We support equal opportunities, and employees are selected and they are treated on the basis of their qualifications and competences.

• Comply with country-specific laws and industry standards concerning working hours and wages.

• Not use child labour, forced labour or any criminal practices.

The respect for individuals, trust and caring for others is a natural part of mutual interaction. We do not tolerate the discrimination, harassment or bullying of employees in any shape or form.

MSK Group’s Corporate Responsibility


MSK Group's Operating Principles


MSK Group’s Code of Conduct


Supplier Code of Conduct



MSK Group Oy and its subsidiaries MSK Cabins Oy, MSK Plast Oy, MSK Matec GmbH, Junkkari Oy and Juncar Oy undertake to comply with applicable legislation, and the provisions stated below, in all their operations. Each employee is expected to comply with the regulations and provisions concerning the Group’s operations and his/her own duties.

Occupational health and safety

We commit ourselves to provide a health and safe working environment, as well as to prevent health and safety risks. Each employee is responsible for complying with occupational health and safety guidelines and, if necessary, the use of personal protective equipment and for reporting any shortcomings concerning the compliance of safety instructions and measures.

Conflicts of interest

Employees should avoid situations in which their personal interests may conflict with the interests of the company. This means, for example, that employees are prohibited from accepting gifts or hospitality from stakeholders, with the exception of random gifts or hospitality of nominal value which do not cause a conflict of interest or exceed normal hospitality.

Combating bribery and bribes

Group companies and employees shall not, directly or indirectly, promise, offer, pay, request or accept any bribes or kickbacks, such as money, benefits, services or other matter of value. Such payments and benefits may be considered as bribery which violates local legislation and internationally recognised principles to prevent corruption and bribery.

Accounting reliability

Accounting records must be sound and reliable in all relevant parts. Failure to record assets and recording incorrect, misleading or false data is prohibited.

Protection of confidential information

The confidentiality of information must be considered when disclosing information, both internally and outside the company. Group companies and their employees undertake to protect the company’s and its stakeholders’ confidential information and business secrets. We respect the privacy of jobseekers and employees when collecting and processing information concerning them. Personal data is processed confidentially and in accordance with relevant legislation.

 Combating fraud

We do not tolerate fraudulent behaviour or activities, such as embezzlement, counterfeit or theft. Such violations shall result in the termination of employment and may lead to criminal sanctions.


We are committed to environmentally positive operations and the continuous development of environmental issues. Each employee must comply with environmental protection policies and guidelines.

Conflict minerals

We do not consciously acquire so-called conflict minerals (gold, titanium, tantalum and tungsten or their derivatives such as cassiterite, columbite tantalite, tungstenite) from the DRC (Democratic Republic of Congo) area, unless they have been declared as “conflict-free”. We require our suppliers and subcontractors to take the appropriate measures to ensure their supplier chains in such a way that the raw minerals used in the production of components and materials that are supplied to the Group, do not originate from the DRC area, or they are declared by an independent third party to be “conflict-free”.

For more information

Tero Yliselä

HR and Communication Director Tel. +358 10 480 2588