The Plastics Business Area now has thermoforming in its portfolio and a more international position through companies located in Finland and Slovakia. This gives us plenty of opportunities to serve our customers even better with a wider scope of technologies.
Thermoforming is a fast, flexible and cost-effective manufacturing process
Thermoforming is a manufacturing method that relies on forming a thermoplastic sheet with a tooling mold normally from aluminum – temperature controlled, heat and vacuum suction. Raw material can be anything in between 2,5 to 10,0 mm thick plastic sheet. We offer our services with ABS, HDPE, PS, PET and PMMA plastics. Plastics components have a wide range of properties. color, gloss, surface pattern, imitation of other material / leather, diamond shape, wood, stone/, resistance to physical shocks and ability to be glued are all properties which can be weighed and focused on as required by you.
Automotive and construction vehicles and equipment, healthcare and telecommunication, work and free time are examples of our typical customer segments. Our fully customized plastic components are always designed together with the customer.
BT-Form is a solution supplier for plastics parts from design to production
Our target is to grow as a partner in system supplies to varied field of industry and to sell solutions not only products and grow in innovative technologies. We have a new and modern production hall an automated painting line.
We want to pave the road to our customers, starting with project preparation and co-design as design of part is 70% of future product costs Stable open calculation pricing model, followed by project and capacity plan.
We master our tooling internally and with support of our proven tooling suppliers. Through the PPAP process to release of serial production. Finally Happy customer during serial life with DN notification process and life time management.
We FORM the difference & our VISION into reality.
BT-Form’s journey and joint venture
“BT-Form started as a spin-off of TEAM INDUSTRIES, as there were no thermoforming companies nearby. It has been an exciting journey from a garage company to a well-equipped manufacturer with qualified personnel, our own engineering, own building, and all this happened in a period of only 7 years.
MSK Plast Oy acquired 51% of BT-Form s.r.o. shares on 31st October 2022 and through this strategic acquisition. I was aware that we need a strong partner who understands our needs and can safeguard our future by securing access to markets and a growing technological advantage in total solutions in plastic manufacturing. It is not easy to find the correct partner, but I believe that bringing BT-Form under the MSK umbrella fulfils both of these – access to markets and technological growth.
I am convinced that this new chapter in the history of BT-Form will be successful.”
Peter Bujnak
Managing Director

Contact us

Jaakko Lipponen
Plastics Business Area Director
Tel. +358 10 480 2315