› Automatic painting line equipped with three robots and cabins typically used in automotive industry
› Currently water based urethane paints in use
› Excellent visual quality of surface combined with good mechanical protection against external wearing
› An excellent method for integrating gasket material into housings and panels
› 1K and 2K PUR materials
› UL approved gasket
Assembly functions
› Assembling, testing and packing of customer products
› Manual, semi-automatic or automatic assembly functions
› A wide sourcing network of assembly components
Laser welding
› An excellent method for connecting transparent and non-transparent plastic components
› A strong and visually clean joint
butt joint welding
› In butt joint welding a heating plate is used to heat the plastic surfaces. The plate is removed when the surfaces to be welded have melted. After that the pieces are pressed together and cooled.
› Typical products are tubes, valves and containers.
› MSK Plast’s butt joint welding is carried out in a cleanroom so that the insides of the products are also dust-free and fulfill demanding requirements
logistic services
› Reliable deliveries to our customer all over the world
› Electronic data interchange (EDI)
› Customer packaging
› Contract stock
Contact us

Jaakko Lipponen
Managing Director
Tel. +358 10 480 2315